What's it like being a Part 3 in 2020

If you aren’t already familiar with how to qualify as an architect in the UK, Part 3 is the last hurdle. With a minimum of 7 years to complete the journey from degree to masters and then to this stage (with a minimum requirement of 24 months of professional experience too) it can seem like a long wait to become the architect you might have always wanted to be.

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that at some point regardless of the stage you're at, that you’ve questioned whether you should aspire to be an architect. With these questions in mind, for this week’s article, I ask @thearchitecturalassistant what it means to be on the journey to becoming a qualifying architect.

What does it mean to be an architect in 2020 and do you think it has changed over these last few years?


Who do you think pursuing a Part 3 is for?


Where did you feel in your journey leading up to Part 3 that you learnt the most about yourself and the industry?


Why should one become an architect?


How has your experience within architecture as a student and professional shaped your understanding of architecture?


Don’t forget to check out @thearchitecturalassistant where there is even more invaluable content where they share even more playful yet informative visuals on the journey of becoming an architect.